An international team of scientists, led by Laetitia Delrez, astrophysicist at the University of Liège…
An international research team including astronomers at the University of Birmingham, has just announced the…
More than 60 engineers and scientists are gathering at Southwest Research Institute Aug. 23-24 to…
Last year, a team of astrophysicists including key members from Northwestern University launched STARFORGE, a…
Space may look empty, but it contains extreme temperatures, high levels of background radiation,…
When a small asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere from space, its surface is brutally heated, causing…
The Giant Magellan Telescope, the most powerful telescope ever engineered using the world’s largest mirrors,…
Black holes with varying light signatures but that were thought to be the same objects…
Remember when Elon Musk launched a car into space? That car’s not just peacefully drifting…
A team of international experts, renowned for debunking several black hole discoveries, have found a…